Posts filed under Growth

6 Ways to Use TikTok for Business Growth and Brand Recognition

Even if you can’t dance and aren’t from Gen Z, there is still a place for you and your business on TikTok. In fact, you should probably make it more of a priority. With over 1 billion monthly active users who spend more than 850 minutes per month on the app, TikTok is growing at a rapid rate. It has the highest social media engagement per post, averaging above Instagram and YouTube.

As of August 2022, TikTok is #2 on Apple’s “Top Charts” of free apps with Google, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook following behind. If your business has yet to join, you could be behind too. Especially if your target audiences are Millennials and Gen Z.

If your business is trying to crack into the wonderful world of TikTok, here are some helpful tips that I’ve learned along the way.